Your metabolism is important in the weight loss equation because it represents 60-75% of your total caloric expenditure each and every day. Metabolism is proportional to your fat-free mass (ie. muscle), and after age 20 it decreases by about 2-3% per decade. In general, women tend to have a lower metabolism due to lower fat-free mass.
Your resting metabolism is the rate of
energy expenditure that your body goes through at rest. It is the number
of calories your body needs to survive if all you did was lie in bed.
For each 1% increase in body fatness,
your metabolism decreases about 0.01 calories/minute. Thus, simply by
having more fat on your body decreases your basal metabolic rate.
Conversely, doing things that will burn fat and promote muscle
development will increase your metabolism.
While this change may seem like no big
deal, it is! This small difference can become much more meaningful if
you progressively pack on weight. For example, a 5% increase in body fat
at the same body weight results in a difference of 0.05
calories/minute, which is equal to 72 calories/day.
Since 3500 calories equals 1 lb of fat,
in our example, it would take 48 days to add on one extra pound of fat
(everything being equal). That might not seem like much but over the
course of 1 year that would be an extra 7 lbs of fat just because of an
initial 5% body fat difference. But it would actually be more than 7 lbs
since your body fat would increase as you continued to pack on the
Fat-free mass is not the only factor
influencing your metabolism. Since the early 1900s researchers have
shown that prolonged dieting is associated with a significant decrease
in metabolic rate (as much as 20% in some cases). For example, the
famous Minnesota Starvation Experiment where caloric intake was
restricted by 25% over the course of 24-weeks revealed that, per kg of
bodyweight, metabolic rate is reduced on a semi-starved diet. The
researchers also showed that T3 (one of the thyroid hormones) and
sympathetic nervous system activity decreased as well.
The latter two findings are rather
significant considering that thyroid is the master gland regulating your
body's metabolism. A decrease in its function makes it more difficult
to lose weight. I have seen this in practice having worked with hundreds
of men and women who suffer from an underactive thyroid who at the same
time, have had a very tough time losing weight.
The sympathetic nervous system plays a
pivotal role in the body's ability to mobilize and burn fat. Since it
stimulates the release of adrenaline from the adrenal glands, a hormone
that breaks down fat, any interruption to its functioning will also
impair fat burning.
What these “starvation” studies reveal
is that during prolonged periods of low caloric intake, the energy
production of the tissues decreases in an attempt to adapt to the lower
caloric intake and reduce the rate of weight loss. It's simply a
survival mechanism. Obviously, this is an appropriate adaptation in
periods of starvation, but it is counterproductive if your goal is to
lose weight fast and for good.
Your metabolism is also responsive to
periods of over-feeding. In one dieting experiment, when the subjects
were allowed a day of "free eating", their metabolism was elevated on
the following day. Further, in long-term (14-20 days) overfeeding to
cause obesity, increases in metabolic rate have been recorded.
This would seem counter-intuitive.
After all, if your metabolic rate increases wouldn't it help you lose
weight? In most cases, yes, but not if eating to a point of creating a
dramatic positive energy balance.
In essence, during the dynamic phase of
weight gain (going from a lower to higher weight), more calories are
required per kg of body to maintain the weight gain than maintain normal
body weight. This is obvious and it's also one of the reasons why you
may feel hungrier when you are more active.
Studies have shown that trained
individuals have a higher metabolic rate than untrained individuals -
but only when they did high intensity workouts and consumed sufficient
calories to maintain energy balance. This suggests that the higher
metabolic rate in trained individuals is not due to chronic adaptations
associated with training, but more to do with the acute energy flux
associated with the most recent workouts and dietary choices.
There is no doubt that your metabolic
rate is elevated following exercise. The questions relate to how much
and how long it is elevated, and to what extent it contributes to total
daily energy expenditure.
It may be said, in the long run, daily
exercise is needed to maintain an elevated metabolism. However, it
should be remembered that what you do today will potentially have a
greater “short term” impact on your metabolism than your combined
workout efforts over the past few years. Just another reason why working
out at least every other day is imperative for maintaining an elevated
metabolism and helping you lose weight and stay lean!
Benedict, F. et al. (1919). Human
Vitality and Efficiency Under Prolonged Restricted Diet. Washington, DC.
The Carnegie Institute of Washington.
Keys, A. et al. (1950). The Biology of Human Starvation. Volume 1. Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press.
About the Author
Yuri Elkaim is a world-renowned
fitness, nutrition, and weight loss expert. He is the creator Fitter U
and Treadmill Trainer, author of Eating for Energy, and the Head
Strength and Conditioning Coach for men's soccer program at the
University of Toronto. His trademarked 12-week Fitter U iPod workout
program has been helping thousands of people around the world get in
shape and lose weight fast without the cost and inconvenience of hiring a
trainer. Go to now to get your FREE Fitter U workout and "How to Get Fit and Lose Weight Fast" report!
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