Monday, January 7, 2013

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Being overweight has a number of health consequences in both men and women alike. Being overweight, or worse yet, obese, can lead to higher LDL levels, high blood sugar and blood sugar imbalances and an increase in blood pressure. All of these factors are a recipe for premature death as they are the leading causes of life threatening illnesses such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Once again, a combination of a nutrient dense, calorie controlled diet, rich in whole foods along with regular exercise is the best defense against poor health and the most efficient way to enjoy a long, healthy life.

Smoking and Drinking

The no brainers when it comes to what to avoid if you hope to live past the age of 80. We have now had proof for numerous decades that smoking is the same as committing slow suicide. Both first hand and second smoke should be avoided at all costs.

There is a big difference between social drinking and excessive drinking. While enjoying the occasional glass of red wine may offer some health benefits, a daily bottle will do the opposite.

Excessive alcohol consumption leads to excessive calories in the diet, which will cause weight gain. A bad habit of drinking may also contribute to other bad behaviors such as smoking, poor choices in nutrition and reckless behavior. Eliminate or at least closely monitor alcohol consumption if you hope to be around to see your Grandkids.

In Conclusion

While most of these may be things you’ve heard before, it never hurts to have a reminder. Our daily habits and the choices we make, create a balance that can have our health and quality of life going in either direction. Use these tips to keep your health on track and enjoy every moment of a long, happy life.

To your health and longevity

Joyce Hearn

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