Another Major Study Confirms THIS Is How to Blast Fat,
Lower Blood Sugar & Boost Energy… Just 4 Minutes Per Day!

However … the real problem for most people is finding the time and motivation to exercise on a regular basis.
Well, I’ll make you a direct promise … follow the 4 minute per day program I’ll tell you about below and this time you finally will burn that fat quickly … and look and feel AMAZING in the process.
Because here is the GREAT NEWS … yet another important study has confirmed the best way to burn that fat and supercharge your health and energy is through the correct brief and intense exercises.
That means you do not have to drag yourself to the gym or push yourself for many hours each week … only to give up exercising in a few weeks or months yet again this year!
In fact, by doing just 28 to 30 minutes total per week of the right high-intensity exercises you WILL incinerate that fat rapidly … and lower cholesterol, improve your immune system, reduce chronic pain, lower your blood sugar, and boost your energy by leaps and bounds!
Longer Does NOT Mean Better, Research Confirms
In the latest study, Canadian researchers — wondering if shorter, higher-intensity exercise intervals were really as effective as longer more moderate ones — tested type 2 Baby Boomer diabetics with BMIs considered to be obese.Over two weeks, patients did six short sessions of high-intensity workouts — one minute of intense exercise followed by a minute of rest — during which they worked to get their heart rates to about 90 percent of their ideal maximal rates.
Blood sugar levels of the eight patients dropped by some 14 percent over the two-week study and stayed that way for a while after exercise sessions were completed.
Also, compared to pre-study measurements, biopsies of thigh muscle tissues demonstrated improved mitochondrial capacity, another strong sign of better metabolic health!
If you’re worried that shorter more intense exercise periods aren’t safe for your health, don’t be, experts say, as intervals can be scaled to one’s level of fitness, so that it’s safe and effective.
You know your level of fitness. If you don't, go see your doctor first before you embark on any fitness program.
We're all very busy these days, so keep it short and intense!
To your health and wellness
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